Thursday, September 24, 2009

Bangkok - Day 1

Yesterday was a long one, or actually spanned the calendar length of three days, but seemed like a week. The flight from LAX to Taipei was perhaps the worst I have experienced do to a rather overweight man's "spillage" of excess body mass onto my seat from his - and the man in front of me insisted on full reclining full time - and the temperature seemed to move from Arctic cold to Sahara hot every 15 minutes - and the video on demand broke. So that was 14+ hours or my life.

Taipei airport is huge but empty. There were literally more employees than travelers and the airport was about as large as four Terminal 1's at LAX. The flight from Taipei to Bangkok was uneventful and I managed some good sleep... However, I was served the same meal on this leg of the trip - chicken with rice - and the chicken looked NOTHING like the LAX to Taipei flight. Weird, but edible - picture a fillet to a pork chop.

Got to my hotel at 3AM to learn check in does not begin till 5AM so had a couple beers with the belligerently drunk British watching the Man U game.

Today I managed to use all of the public transportation - sytrain, tut tut, taxi, water taxi and my feet. I say my feet as I was lost in Chinatown for hours - the guide books are not kidding when they say "get lost in Chinatown".


  1. Nickzilla, how does it feel to be 2 feet taller than everyone on the street?

  2. randy gave me the keys to your apartment. kegger on 23rd!

  3. Officially have you on RSS so I can follow you along with the USC saga... Have fun and let us know what is going on!
