Yesterday morning woke up at 9AM - that is not a problem except the bus to Bangkok left at 7:30AM.... Went to explain the predicament to my travel agent and was met with a stern look and was placed aboard a scooter and transported to the bus station after a quick goodbye to Brooke.
Somehow I ended up in a shared taxi for a five hour drive to the border with only two Cambodian girls. At the border I started chatting with an expat Brit and and Aussie and followed them to their bus in hopes of hitching a ride. Three min-bus transfers later and six hours I was dropped off at my hotel in Bangkok.... I have no idea how my missed bus ticket got me there or who paid for the taxi in Cambodia but I made it.
Met my friend Kristy from Vang
Vien at a really cool bar called Cheap Charlie's and then had a couple more farewell drinks at a street bar (car parked on the street serving drinks) on
Soi 11 with more expats living in Bangkok and then departed for the airport at a bright and early 6AM. I stayed the night in a really cool hostel on the advice of Kristy - a place called
Suk 11, check out the link:
Very eclectic
decor, almost like a fishing village crossed with a bombed out shelter...
After a quick three hour flight I am in Taipei killing two more hours before the final 14 hours home. Exactly three months since I was here last and the airport has not changed. Free
internet and free massage chairs and no food court....
It has been a long trip and many good times were had with great people from all across the world. Sights were seen, nations were conquered, next stop the United States and back to Venice but I have a feeling I will be back before long....